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Submitted by: Ellie Lewis
There are many reasons why anyone would want to obtain a nursing home job and the industry is growing as the baby boomer generation reaches their golden years. In addition to the growing number of elderly people in need of care from these facilities, skilled workers are needed to attend them. Those who work in nursing home jobs make their money by helping others who need the care. In addition, many facilities give their workers a number of benefits including tuition reimbursement, wellness benefits and funds to pay for their own retirement. Often workers will be able to make their own schedule, selecting one of three different shifts.
Health benefits are among the best reasons to think about working at a nursing home. Besides the aforementioned benefits offered, many facilities also give healthcare, dental and vision coverage to their employees. Retirement accounts are one of the greatest perks any worker can ask for and health benefits are a necessity in a country where they are otherwise difficult to come by.
The flexible schedule attracts many an employee to the job, as a nine-to-five schedule is not attractive to everyone, especially those who are single parents and need to attend to their children during the day. Day, evening and overnight shifts are available to choose from though not every position allows for this kind of flexibility. Those who decide to work overnight may also earn more money per hour or earn a higher weekly salary. Anyone who works on holidays or weekends will certainly earn more money as well. In addition to parents, these jobs are also very attractive to students who must attend classes during the day.
Those who decide to enter this field will be doing a great service to the elderly. Because many older people have health problems, they require a great deal of assistance. Often their needs can only be met by living in a retirement community where there are attendants to help them at all hours. These jobs allow workers to make a positive impact in the lives of the elderly, by assisting them with their medical needs; serving them food and helping them stay entertained or otherwise intellectually stimulated. Each position in a retirement community serves to assist this community in some way, shape or form.
Though it may not be the first thing anyone thinks about, positions at retirement homes often offer a number of educational benefits. Some facilities offer tuition reimbursement for those who are currently taking classes at a university. Retirement homes offer this kind of assistance so that they may employ a highly qualified and educated staff. And students will be relieved to lose some of the thousands of dollars in debt that they have accumulated over the years. Usually students must agree to work for a facility for a certain amount of time after graduating to receive these benefits. Like bars and casinos, nursing homes are somewhat recession-proof; there will always be a need for these facilities. Therefore there will always be positions available for those qualified to fill positions in an elderly care facility.
About the Author: Ellie Lewis is researching
nursery home jobs
for an article he is writing. She has found that a
nursing home job
can be a good one for the right person.
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