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The Elderly Have Special Needs
Smith C. John
As people grow older, their needs grow in size. This is a fact and it s because a lot of things happen to people as they grow older.
Some of the requirements or special needs that elderly or older people might have are:
Replacement Parts
Extra Attention
Assisted Living
Replacement Parts
As we get older parts of our body start to deteriorate or weaken. Why is this? You see, as people grow older their internal organs begin to get weaker and slower. This is a normal process and part of life. There isn t anything you can do about it or nothing you can do to reverse it. There s nothing that will prevent this from happening either because we all grow old. So as people grow old and certain limbs or parts start growing weaker, there s a need for replacement parts.
Extra Attention
As one grows older, they begin to reflect on their life and what they have accomplished. Some people feel fulfilled and overjoyed while some people are sad and wish they had done more. Older people seem to need more attention than younger people which is ironic because they usually end up in a nursing home where they receive no attention.
Special medicine and formulas are required for elderly people to function correctly. While replacement parts can help fix parts on a body that are broken, sometimes there s not always a viable physical fix. Sometimes we need to rely on medicine to help our bodies operate better and function as intended. This may include bowels not working properly, feeling sleepy, heart problems, diseases or many other various problems. There are millions of problems that are treated by medicines and the medicine industry is a growing huge field.
Assisted Living
Assisted living is another huge industry because of all the problems stated above. Why do some people need assistance to live? As I ve said before, our bodies will grow older and there will be complications. You can live the healthiest lifestyle in the world, there s nothing you can do about our bodies aging and becoming weaker. It s just a fact of life that we must deal with and accept. So this is why some people require the use of retirement homes or assisted living homes such as nursing homes. Nursing homes are usually the first resource people go to when an elderly person needs assisted living. You should choose your nursing home wisely because this is where they will spend the rest of their time on earth.
So elderly people need comfort and support more than anyone. Whether you barely knew someone in your family who s now elderly or it s one of your dearest beloved family members, they are going to need extra attention and comfort from you. Make sure to visit your loved ones in a nursing home or where ever they may be. Put yourself in their shoes and think to yourself, would you want loved ones to visit you if you re in an assisted living home?
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