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Henry Dziczkowski: An Elder of the Maranatha Bible Society; Behold His Doctrine
Allan Lewicki
Henry Dziczkowski; pronounced Jitch-cow-ski (Polish), gave birth to the doctrine of what follows. Also, this as a point of logic, this must be absolutely true in that this person professed with the most austere proclamation that me has The Mind of Christ.
As Luke set in order for Theophilus, I suppose for the main reason of establishing a permanent record, I should reduce to writing all the details and the pertinent events that led up to what I will dub “The Incident” The time and place that this occurred was several years ago, the exact date I cant remember, a close enough estimation would be the summer of 2002. The place was the living room of my Mom’s house in Parma. The occasion was a Sunday morning gathering for the purpose of Bible study, praise and worship. Witnesses to the incident, besides the two central participants of Allan Lewicki and Henry Dziczkowski (hereafter for brevity Henry Dziczkowski will be referred to as ‘kowski) were my Mom, ‘kowski’s wife Joy, and Kenny & Carol Sroka (‘kowski’s daughter and son in law).
The incident per se, for clarity I will write in the 3rd person. After a confrontation over an issue that been brewing for perhaps the last several months ‘kowski got up and announced to his following that they should leave. He thereupon pronounces Allan Lewicki as unregenerate. Allan Lewicki attempts to assist, howbeit only partially successful, ‘kowskis departure. This assistance being with the utmost tact, dignity and gentleness of a Marine Corps drill instructor. ‘Kowski was standing facing Allan, almost ready to go out the door. Allan got up grabbed ‘kowski by the throat (that’s correct…by the throat) knocked him down and would have, if his mother had not begged him to stop, physically ejected him from the residence; again, with all the delicateness of a Marine Corps DI.
Carol Sroka rushes to her father’s defense, calls Allan a son-of-a-bitch, this simultaneously while Allan’s mother is crying for him to stop. Allan stops, leaves (he goes upstairs), this caused a little mess. The mess is cleaned up, ‘kowski, his wife, Carol & Kenny all depart.
After ‘kowski and his entourage depart Allan comes downstairs. Allan’s mom: “Allan, Allan!…I could understand what happened if this was in a bar on Saturday night…but on a Sunday morning Bible study!!” Allan: ” Mom, I take SEVER EXCEPTION to somebody coming into this house and attempting to get MY MOTHER to commit blasphemy of the Holy Ghost!
What was this all about? I need to, as Theophilus did, set some things in order. Backing up maybe a half year: First; “purity”, knowing that anything produced my human hands is subject to error (including the printing of bibles), during Bible study if there was a question involving capitalization (in the Scriptures) and especially…extra especially if it was about the word “spirit” I would query everyone else as to how their bibles read, and even check Strong’s concordance. (This fellowship places an emphasis on the differences between spirit and Spirit as used in Scriptures.) This is when I first became aware of the discrepancies between the writings of the late R.E. Rhoads and the Bible. During bible study it would be quite common to reference the works of that person. In fact, there were studies exclusively devoted to that persons writings.
A sidelight…the bible used by ‘kowski had on it’s cover that it was a KJV, but, it was published by Sphero Zoteoffiteze (spelling?). It was known to be corrupt! Not only were the spelling of names changed, but it’s capitalization could not be held as trustworthy. ‘Kowski knew this but he continued to use it. A direct quote from him:
“I paid good money for that bible…I use it because its got Strong’s concordance in the back. I’m making a list of all the errors, and when I’m done I’m gunna write the guy a letter”.
This ultimately caused me to make a value judgment as to the character and sincerity of one Henry Dziczowski. My judgment: he placed more value on the monetary cost of this bible than he did on the purity of the Word of God.
Continuing with my establishing of the preliminaries, I need to make a digression, so as to establish a context for what I am about to write. The phrase “the word of God”; that phrase is used 49 times in the Bible (this is according to my bible computer program). Of those 49 times, only one time is it written “Word of God”, the W capitalized (Rev 19:13).
With the above in mind…another direct quote from Henry Dziczkowski:
“I believe it gives honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ to change the lower case w to a capital W”.
To illustrate this he than proceeded to say; if he is reading his bible and he comes upon that phrase, he will take a pen and make the change. A digression from this digression. Where is he getting this? Take a close look at this man’s idol…not only does the late R.E.R make changes in capitalization but I can site several places where there are overt corruptions of the Scriptures. But, the corruptions done by R.E.R. are not the word “word”, so…I suppose ‘kowski, wanting to be original, changes that word. Does anyone (like Ken Brandt, President of the Maranatha Bible Society) actually think that I’m supposed to politely not notice this?
I objected. Here is ‘kowskis reply to my objection, and another direct quote: “I have the liberty to do that” Oh! I thought to myself…some liberty! I have already written one whole treatise about corruptions in capitalization, so for the purposes of this paper I will reference just one verse, Psalms 12:6. I continued thinking to myself: “If it gives ‘kowski’s jesus honor & glory to make changes, maybe I can give ‘kowskis god honor & glory by a change I could make. Here is how Psalms 12:6 should read…The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth 6 1/2 times, to get them purified 7 times you need talk to Henry Dziczkowski”
He did attempt (but I can’t remember exactly when in relation to the events in question) to make a scriptural defense of his position. Here is how I remember it went: Since the Hebrew alphabet does not delineate between upper and lower case as English does, the individual believer is than at liberty to decide for himself if the words in Scripture should be capitalized or not. Evidently there is at least one person in ‘kowskis fellowship that accepts this as true. I have heard on tape one person from Lynn Haven Florida (Dale Koller) state that the s in spirit of John 6:63 should be capital, and, make a point about it.
Digression over: Back to the time and place of this profound utterance by ‘kowski. What follows was during a Sunday morning worship/bible study in Kenny & Carol Srokas house. Present were myself and my mom, Jim & Debby Motylinski, and of course Kenny & Carol, I can’t remember if ‘kowski’s wife was there, nor can I remember if any of the Sroka kids were there. The tone of this quote “…honor & glory…” was from the sage (Henry Dziczkowski) announcing with glee, a pontification…and ex cathedra, AND, encouraging every one present to do likewise.
Allow me make an analogy: Lets suppose you’re a doctor. There is brought into you a person on a stretcher. You commence with the preliminary exanimation; no pulse, no heartbeat, the person is not breathing, no reflexes, the person is cold and white. Let me ask you; pray tell; what is your diagnosis of the physical condition of that person? Now, transfer the same analogy into the spiritual realm; there is a group of people assembled for bible study and the eldest elder pronounces, and pronounces with glee…blasphemy of the Holy Ghost…and there is NO reaction from the group! Jim and Debby Motylinski if you would care to refute this, go ahead, because you were there.
My diagnosis of the spiritual condition of the people in that room is identical to the diagnosis of the physical condition of the person in my analogy. Oh there sure was a reaction from my mother and myself; we just didn’t say anything until we were in our car and driving home.
The above was maybe a month before “The Incident”. The Sunday prior to the incident, we were reading one of the writings of R.E.R. and as usual there was a discrepancy regarding capitalization; which I questioned. This time my questioning evoked the ire of ‘kowski. He, taking umbrage at the blatant gall of somebody like me (blatant gall that is, to cast suspicion on the enormous and profound biblical scholarship of R.E.R.); announced that the would check the capitalization in his First run addition of the 1611 KJV.
Another short digression: The “First run addition of the 1611 KJV”. For whatever reason, somebody has thought it necessary to resurrect the copy of the KJV that was the very first to come of the press in 1611. That’s why its called “the first run” it has at least 5000 typographical errors (Typos! Hey, the printing press was a new inventiondoes anyone think that the first run of anything was error free?), R.E.R. even alludes to this in his book “Progressive Revelation” on page 349. Well anyway, ‘kowski has a copy of the 1st run 1611.
Back to the Sunday prior to the incident and the hubbub over capitalization; I can’t remember what the Scriptures were. But what I can remember is that whatever book we were reading (by R.E.R.) the capitalization was wrong, and as I said above, ‘kowski pronounces that he will check it in his 1st run KJV.
He goes home and does just that. He calls me up and informs me that he has checked his 1st run KJV and the capitalization corresponds to that used by R.E.R. in the book we were reading. He lets me know by the tone of his call that he is doing this to “edify” me. Oh, thinks me to myself…this is edification? I ask him…Q: Are you aware that there are about 5000 typos in the 1st run? A: Yes! Q: You are going to verify capitalization with a book that has 5000 typos? A: Yes
Q: Do you actually think that the 1st run KJV is the inerrant Word of God? A: Yes…My response “well you just go right ahead and think that!” And I hung up
That week my mother and I have a discussion as to what were are going to do if this sage imbued with the wisdom of the ages attempts to feist his original addition KJV on us. Our mutual decision is that if that happens will sever our relationship. One of the points we discussed is how this person, who has recently proclaimed, and proclaimed with boldness, he has “the mind of Christ”. The mutual decision we came to also involved the same reasons that we decided to depart from the Medina group…Is this how the “mind of Christ” is supposed to work (see 1 Cor 2:16)?
We are now up to “Incident Sunday”, as I anticipated there was a question on capitalization. ‘Kowski, with resolve, pulls his 1st run KJV from his case and checks the word in question. A) It corresponds with the usage of R.E.R. but B) does not correspond with all of our bibles nor does it correspond with Strong.
IT WAS MY MOTHER WHO PUT THE DIRECT QUESTION TO HIM: WHAT BIBLE ARE WE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE? ‘Kowskis answer…the 1st run KJV! He proceeds to sputter…”Dusty Rhoads uses the 1st run KJV”. My mother becomes VERY upset and starts to cry. She really did not want to sever relationships, but she knew that this is a situation that she MUST take a stand! The next few minutes commenced my attempt to physically eject him from our home… For a short time thereafter ‘kowski did come to get my mother and take her to the Srokas, that did not last very long.
Doctrine: As pandered by Henry Dziczkowski:
It gives honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ to change capitalization.
A believer has the liberty to do this
It is up to the individual believer to determine capitalization.
The “official” Word of God is the 1st run 1611 addition.
Having the “mind of Christ” facilities all the above.
Do you people think (I am addressing the Maranatha Bible Society)…do you actually think that I am going to just ignore this…do you?? And than you will get all convicted and pray for unity!? You people make me want to puke!
Resource Box:I am on a quest to display to the world the incredible fierceness of a religious fellowship calling themselves the Maranatha Bible Society. For a in depth report of my nausea concerning these people view my Blog: Lewicki vs. The Maranatha Bible SocietyPS: So as to not leave anyone damned to hell for not knowing “the scriptures” of 1 Cor 15, click on:,-Can-Anyone-Site-Chapter-and-Verse-For-The-Scriptures?&id=3097112The Scriptures of 1 Cor 15:3-4
Article Source:
Henry Dziczkowski: An Elder of the Maranatha Bible Society; Behold His Doctrine }